QSL image awaited

This call was first issued to the Exiles Contest Group circa 1996, of which Steve, G0LII was a member. Steve became a silent key on 31st August 2013. The log of the Group's activities from England in 1996 is not complete but the QSO data that is available is fully searchable below and has been uploaded to the ARRL's Log Book of the World (LoTW) (the last update being on 5th November 2013) and Club Log.

The call was re-issued to Nottingham and District Amateur Radio Group in May 2024. Please refer to their QRZ.com entry for further information.

Enter your callsign and click on the "search" button below. Progressive searches are allowed, e.g. enter "G4" and all G4xx callsigns worked are displayed. Enter "G4B", and all G4Bx callsigns are displayed.

The on-line log contains QSOs between 21st and 22nd September 1996.

Please note that, following a decision by the RSGB QSL bureau not to process outgoing cards for non members, paper QSLs for this station are ONLY available DIRECT with adequate return postage.

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