Please click on the callsign below to see a sample of the QSL card. Most of the logs are searchable and are marked with a *.

As a result of a decision by the RSGB QSL bureau not to process outgoing cards for non members, cards for some of the stations that I manage are ONLY available DIRECT. These stations are marked with a # in the list below and on the relevant station's web page.

My thanks are due to Tom Demeranville for writing the JavaScript for the log search facilities.

3C5XA*#9th to 21st January 2003 (IOTA AF-010)
3DA0PW*21st to 29th February 2012
4S7WHG/A*13th to 21st November 2000 (IOTA AS-003)
4U1ET*#28th July 2001 to 24th October 2002 (IOTA OC-148)
4U/TF1MM*#17th October to 20th November 1997. NOT valid for DXCC.
4W3DX*#16th May to 23rd June 2003 (IOTA OC-148)
4W6MM*#16th March 2000 to 1st January 2003 (IOTA OC-148)
4X/TF1MM*#23rd October 1991 to 23rd May 1999
5B/G4ODV#June 2004 to October 2006 (IOTA AS-004)
5B4/G0LII*#July to September 2002 (IOTA AS-004)
5B4AHA*#September 2002 to August 2004 (IOTA AS-004)
5B4AIZ*#Ongoing from October 2006 to present (IOTA AS-004)
5H/9Q5MRC*#19th to 22nd January 1995
5H1/G3SWH*23rd to 29th September 1997 (IOTA AF-032)
5H3/G3SWH*16th to 22nd September 1997
5R8AL*#From 1975 and on-going (IOTA AF-013)
5R8FL*# From 1997 to 30th June 2012 (IOTA AF-013)
5R8FT#From 1998 and on-going (IOTA AF-013)
5R8FV#From 1997 and on-going (IOTA AF-013)
5R8GO*# From 2000 to 2004 (IOTA AF-013)
5R8GZ*#From 2nd June 2001 and on-going (IOTA AF-013)
5R8HA*15th to 20th September 2001 (IOTA AF-090)
5R8HA*5th to 13th November 2002 & 16th to 21st September 2003 (IOTA AF-013)
5R8HA/P*14th to 19th November 2002 (IOTA AF-057)
5R8HA/P*22nd to 27th September 2003 (IOTA AF-090)
5R8O*#21st May 2000 to 5th May 2001 (IOTA AF-013)
5R8SV*From August 2014 (IOTA AF-013)
5T0CW*24th February to 4th March 2005
5X1P*#15th October 1996 to 25th October 2000
5X1XA*# Irregularly between November 2010 and March 2022
5Z4LI*17th to 24th February 1999 (IOTA AF-040)
5Z4WI*9th to 15th March 2000 (IOTA AF-067)
6Y5/G3SWH*July 2013 (IOTA NA-097)
7Q7BP*#1st June 2002 to 25th March 2017
7Q7FOC*#1st to 31st May 2013
8P9FX*#3rd February 1998 to 26th November 2000 (IOTA NA-021)
8P9PW*June / July 2013 (IOTA NA-021)
8P9XA*#24th November to 1st December 2006 (IOTA NA-021)
8Q7WH*5th to 10th June 2001 (IOTA AS-013)
8Q7ZZ*#28th July to 12th August 2002 (IOTA AS-013)
8R1PW*22nd to 29th February 2008
9A6MM*#15th June 1995 to 18th April 1996
9A/TF1MM*#14th September 1992 to 1st January 1994
9G5XA*# Irregularly between February 1988 and November 2015 .
9H6YB*# 28th/29th July 2018 (IOTA EU-023)
9I40CA#23rd to 25th October 2004 ONLY
9J2CA*#December 1999 and on-going
9M0C*#9th to 23rd February 1998 (IOTA AS-051)
9M6LSC*6th to 9th March 2008 (IOTA OC-088) ONLY
9M6PWT*4th to 14th November 1999 (IOTA OC-088)
9Q5MRC*#4th December 1994 to 12th October 1996
9Q5MRC/P*#10th to 12th December 1994
9U5MRC*#23rd March to 3rd December 1995
9V1VV*# From 2002 to 2nd May 2024
9V1VV/MM*#August and September 2019
9X0XA*#22nd to 26th November 2013
9X5/G3MRC*#November 1994
BX3AC*# Ongoing from 13th November 2004 (IOTA AS-020)
BY1QH/G3SWH21st December 1996
C4C*#Various contests during 2004 (IOTA AS-004)
C4Z*#Various contests since November 2006 by 5B4AIZ (IOTA AS-004)
C56C*#28th January to 10th February 2005
C56VZ*6th to 14th November 2002
C56XA*# 27th February to 31st May 2015
C6AWF*#15th to 30th April 2005 (IOTA NA-080)
C91MR*#25th April to 14th December 2001
C91MR/3*#28th April to 14th May 2001
C93MR*#15th May to 1st July 2001
C96MR*#19th to 25th November 2001
C97MR*#2nd July to 30th November 2001
CT9/UA9CDC# Ongoing from 20th March 2015 (IOTA AF-014)
D44KF*#February / March 2018 (IOTA AF-005)
D68C*#8th to 28th February 2001 (IOTA AF-007)
DJ0EQ*#1973 to 1979
DJ0EQ/P*#1974 to 1976
EA8/G3XAQ*# From December 2000 to February 2015 (AF-004)
F/G3RTE/P*28th & 29th June 1997 (IOTA EU-094) and 28th to 30th March 1998 (IOTA EU-068)
F/G6AY* 17th to 19th August 2015 (IOTA EU-157)
F/G3SWH/P*23 & 24th March 1996 (IOTA EU-039), 28th & 29th June 1997 (IOTA EU-094) & 28th to 30th March 1998 (IOTA EU-068)
FH/G3SWH*26th February to 4th March 2009 (IOTA AF-027)
FO/G35WH*11th to 14th July 2003 (IOTA OC-152)
FO/G35WH/P*16th to 22nd July 2003 (IOTA OC-063)
FR/G3SWH*17th to 24th November 1998 (IOTA AF-016)
G0LII*#1989 to 1998 (IOTA EU-005)
G3MRC*#20th August 1995 to 23rd June 2008 (IOTA EU-005)
G3MRC/9Q5*# 30th June to 8th November 1994
G3MRC/9U5*#15th to 19th October 1994
G3MRC/9X5*# 5th and 6th November 1994
G3MRC/C9*#12th March to 24th April 2001
G3MRC/P*#16th to 17th December 2000 (IOTA EU-005)
G3RFX*# September 1992 to February 2014 (IOTA EU-005)
G3SWH* My log from home from February 1964 (IOTA EU-005)
G3SWH/MM30th August 1968 to 18th January 1969
G3XAQ/6Y5#Irregularly December 1992 and December 1999 (IOTA NA-097)
G4FOC*Early logs on paper. Searchable from October 2010 onwards. (IOTA EU-005)
G4VXE*#1984 to 13th January 2008 (IOTA EU-005)
G4VXE/C6A*#11th to 18th December 1994, 2nd to 9th December 1995 and 30th November to 9th December 1996 (IOTA NA-001)
G4VXE/TF*#29th July to 11th August 1993 (IOTA EU-021)
G4VXE/VE3*#2nd October 1993 to 18th October 1997
G4WFQ/6W*#4th to 17th February 2006
G4WFQ/HI9*#12th to 24th June 2004 (IOTA NA-096)
G6YB*1992 to present (IOTA EU-005)
G6YB/P*1992 to present (IOTA EU-005)
G7G*#July to November 1997 (IOTA EU-005)
G8G*#July 1998 (IOTA EU-005)
G80CC*# March 2017 (IOTA EU-005)
GB75FOC* FOC 75th anniversary activity from England during May 2013 (IOTA EU-005)
GB80FOC* FOC 80th anniversary activity from England during May 2018 (IOTA EU-005)
GB85FOC* FOC 85th anniversary activity from England during May and September 2023 (IOTA EU-005)
GC4FOC* FOC 75th and 80th anniversary activity from Wales (IOTA EU-005)
GC4FOC/P* FOC 75th anniversary activity from Holy Island, Wales during May 2013 (IOTA EU-124)
GC6YB* Ongoing from November 2018 (IOTA EU-005)
GD4FOC* Ongoing from August 2016 (IOTA EU-116)
GD6YB/P*26th & 27th July 1997 (IOTA EU-116)
GH4FOC* FOC 75th and 80th anniversary activity from Jersey (IOTA EU-013)
GI5K*#Ongoing from February 2008 to present (IOTA EU-115)
GJ3RTE/P*28th to 30th June 1996 (IOTA EU-099)
GJ3SWH/P*28th to 30th June 1996 (IOTA EU-099)
GJ4FOC* Ongoing from May 2016 (IOTA EU-013)
GJ4VXE/P*#14th to 23rd June 1994 (IOTA EU-013)
GJ6YB*2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 IOTA contests (IOTA EU-013)
GJ6YB/P* 18th/19th June 2011 and 16/17th June 2012 (IOTA EU-013)
GM4FOC* Ongoing from November 2011 to present (IOTA EU-005)
GM4FOC/P* Ongoing from December 2020 to present (IOTA EU-005)
GN4FOC* FOC 75th and 80th anniversary activity from Northern Ireland during (IOTA EU-115)
GO3RFX* July to September 2012 (EU-005)
GP4FOC* FOC 75th and 80th anniversary activity from Guernsey (IOTA EU-114)
GQ3RFX*June 2002 and May / June 2012 (EU-005)
GQ4FOC*June 2022 (EU-005)
GQ6YB*8th & 9th June 2002 (IOTA EU-005)
GR3RFX*April / May 2011 (EU-005)
GR150NIB*1st to 28th October 2018 (EU-005)
GS4FOC* FOC 75th and 80th anniversary activity from Scotland (IOTA EU-005)
GT4FOC* FOC 75th and 80th anniversary activity from the Isle of Man (IOTA EU-116)
GT6YB*25th & 26th July 1998 (IOTA EU-116)
GU4FOC* Ongoing from April 2016 (IOTA EU-114)
GU4VXE/P*#14th to 23rd June 1994 (IOTA EU-114
GU6YB/P26th to 28th March 1993 (IOTA EU-114)
GW4FOC*1st to 30th September 2016 (IOTA EU-005)
GW4VXE/P*#3rd February 1995 to present (IOTA EU-005)
GW6YB/P*1995 to present (IOTA EU-005)
GX4FOC*May 2018 (IOTA EU-005)
GX6YB*1994 to present (IOTA EU-005 and EU-120)
H44KW*18th to 28th February 2013 (IOTA OC-047)
HB0/G3XAQ* June 2022 and June 2024
HS0ZFWOperation by G4ODV between 24th November and 6th December 2004
J6/G3XAQ*#29th April to 5th May 2002 and 15th to 21st March 2004 (IOTA NA-108)
L4D#SSB operation from Blanca Island (IOTA SA-065) on 20th & 21st November 1993 ONLY
M0ADU*# September 1996 (IOTA EU-005). Call was re-issued in May 2024.
M0RSE*From October 2010 onwards ONLY. (IOTA EU-005)
M1BCG/P*Various VHF contests (IOTA EU-005)
M5BXB*On-going from July 2000 to present (IOTA EU-005)
MI0LLL*#Ongoing from April 2001 to present (IOTA EU-115)
MW1BCG/P*Various VHF contests (IOTA EU-005)
MX0ADU*# September 1996 (IOTA EU-005). Call was re-issued in May 2024.
OD5/TF1MM*#9th to 23rd September 1996
OH6/G4VXE#July 2002
OK8XB*On-going from March 2002 to present
OW75FOC*FOC 75th anniversary activity from the Faroe Islands (IOTA EU-018)
PJ2Y*28th & 29th July 2001 and 27th & 28th July 2002 (IOTA SA-006) ONLY
PJ2/G3RFX*#20th to 27th July 2001 (IOTA SA-006)
RU9CZD*# Ongoing from August 2008
RU9CZD/M*#Ongoing from June 2015
RU9CZD/P*#Ongoing from June 2010
SV8/G3SWH*1995 to 2000 (IOTA EU-067)
SV9/G4VXE*#14th to 20th October 1997, 29th June to 5th July 1999 and 9th to 14th June 2000 (IOTA EU-015)
TA0/UA9CDC*# September 2012 to 3rd October 2018. IOTA AS-115
TA3/UA9CDC*# 24th September to 5th October 2019.
TA4/UA9CDC*# September 2012 to 3rd October 2018. Mainland
TF1MM*#27th June 1990 to 30th August 1991 (IOTA EU-021)
TF1MM/4L*#18th February 1998 to 13th May 2000
TF1MM/9*#30th March 1999 to 16th January 2000 (IOTA EU-021)
TF1MM/YU1*#8th April to 1st July 1992
TF1PS*#19th July 1985 to 9th June 1987 (IOTA EU-021)
TF1PS/2*#27th July 1985 (IOTA EU-021)
TF1PS/6*#6th February 1987 (IOTA EU-021)
TF1PSN*#15th June 1984 to 18th July 1985 (IOTA EU-021)
TF3EO*# March 2013 to March 2018 (IOTA EU-021)
TF3EO/1*# July 2016 (IOTA EU-021)
TF3EO/4*# November 2014 to May 2015 (IOTA EU-021)
TF3EO/AM*# May 2015 to July 2016
TF3MM*#8th September 2001 to 18th April 2004 (IOTA EU-021)
TF4M*#on-going from September 2004 to present (IOTA EU-021)
TF4MM*#15th May to 1st September 2004 (IOTA EU-021)
TF4X*#on-going from August 2009 to present (IOTA EU-021)
TF6MM*#27th February 1989 to 22nd April 1990 (IOTA EU-021)
TF6MM/M*#16th April to 8th May 1989 (IOTA EU-021)
TF6MM/M/2*#21st to 22nd May 1989 (IOTA EU-021)
TF6PS*#14th June 1987 to 26th February 1989 (IOTA EU-021)
TF6PS/3*#18th January to 30th May 1988 (IOTA EU-021)
TF6PS/M*#16th January 1989 (IOTA EU-021)
TF7PS*#30th August to 1st September 1986 (IOTA EU-071)
UA9CDC*# From 1995 to February 2022 ONLY
UA9CDC/M*# From June 2015 to January 2022 ONLY
UA9CDC/P*# From February 2016 to February 2022 ONLY
UI1A#to 31st December 1993
UI8A/G3SWH4th to 10th May 1991
UI8AA#to 31st December 1993
UI8B#to 31st December 1993
UI9AWD#to 31st December 1993
UI9BWR#to 31st December 1993
UK8AA#from 1st January to 31st December 1994
UK8AWD#from 1st January to 31st December 1994
UK8BWR#from 1st January to 31st December 1994
UK8R#from 1st January to 31st December 1994
UU8AA (and UU8JF)*#from February 2003 to March 2005 ONLY
V8JIM*8th to 15th March 2004 (IOTA OC-088)
VK8CP*#6th November 1999 to 4th January 2000
VK8CW*#27th February to 26th May 2000 (IOTA OC-001) ONLY
VK9C/G6AY* 22nd February to 5th March 2011 (IOTA OC-003)
VK9NJ#27th & 28th November 1993 (IOTA OC-005)
VK9X/G6AY*20th to 27th February 2010 (IOTA OC-002)
VP2MTE*21st to 28th February 2007 (IOTA NA-103)
VP2V/G6AY*23rd February to 1st March 2006 (IOTA NA-023) ONLY
VP5/G3SWH*1st to 9th October 2014 (IOTA NA-003)
XU7ABC*3rd to 6th May 2001
XU7ACT*#3rd to 9th & 11th to 15th August 2003
XU7ACU*#9th & 10th August 2003 only (WAE CW Contest)
Z38/G3MRC*#8th and 9th July 1999
ZB2/G3MRC*#12th and 30th November 1993
ZB2FX*#September 1974 to March 2014
ZB300FX*#29th to 31st August 2004
ZC4LI*# September 2004 to July 2013 (IOTA AS-004)
ZD7BR*14th to 21st October 2017 (IOTA AF-022)
ZD8LII*#1990 to 1993 (IOTA AF-003)
ZF1VX*# 1st to 13th May 2002 (IOTA NA-016)
ZF2NT (and ZF2NT/8)*#5th June 1998 to 7th February 2011 (IOTA NA-016)
ZG2FX*#September 1995 to September 2013
ZQ2FX*#29th May to 6th June 2012
ZS1/G3SWH*21st April 2002
ZS1RBN*4th to 8th April 2003 (IOTA AF-064)
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